Festival Volunteering Information for Oxfam Staff

Sign-ups for stewarding opened early to staff on Monday 3rd February for 24hrs. They are now closed again.

Stewarding sign-ups will open to the public from Tuesday 11th February.

Shop and Campaign applications will open the everyone on Thursday 20th February.

Please be aware that unlike Stewarding, there is an additional selection process for Shop and Campaign roles, so you are not guaranteed a place if you apply for these roles.

How to Book the time off work

Oxfam staff are entitled to two additional leave days per year to use for festival volunteering.

When booking your time off work to attend festivals, you should do the following on Peoplesoft:

  • Book two of the days as festival leave by selecting "Other Paid Absences" then "Festival Volunteering (UK)" (as shown below).
  • Book the remainder of the days as Annual Leave in the normal way.

What if I need to cancel?

Every festival has a cancellation deadline (4 weeks before the festival, or 8 weeks before Glastonbury). If you do need to cancel, we ask that you do so before then so we can recruit a replacement.

Before this deadline you can easily cancel online via the application system.

To find out more, click here.