How does Priority Work?
Every year we open our stewarding places to volunteers with Priority first, a few days before we open them to everyone else. This gives you a stress-free chance to sign up to your favourite festivals before the rush.
How do I get Priority for when sign-ups open 2026?
This year we have changed Priority to a points-based system. To have priority access when we open our applications in 2026, you need to have either:
- Accrued 6 points in the previous year (2025)
- Accrued 21 points in the previous 7 years (2019-2025)
You gain points through volunteering with us. Different types of festival accrue different amounts of points:
- Weekend Festival: 3 points
- Day Festival: 1 point (per day)
- Glastonbury from 2025 onwards: 0 points
Do I have Priority for 2025?
To have priority access when we open our sign-ups in 2025, you need to have either:
- Volunteered at two or more festivals last year (2024) - at least one of which was in a stewarding role.
- Volunteered at a total of seven or more festivals across the last seven years (2018-2024)
If you have Priority for 2025, we will have emailed you in December to let you know. This year applications will open to those with Priority on Tuesday 4th February.
Priority FAQS:
How do I get Priority for when sign-ups open in 2027?
After a Glastonbury fallow year, we calculate priority slightly differently. It's likely that to have priority access when we open our applications in 2027, you'll need to have either:
- Accrued 9 points in the previous two year (2025-2026)
- Accrued 21 points in the previous 7 years (2020-2026)
How do I know whether I have Priority?
Every autumn after the festival season we calculate who has Priority for next year's applications using the criteria above.
If you qualify, we'll email you with the good news just before Christmas, and again just before we open applications.
If I have to cancel my application for a festival, does it still count towards Priority?
Sorry, if you have to cancel your festival place for whatever reason, it will not be counted when we calculate Priority.
Why do Oxfam have the Priority system?
Priority helps us offer the best possible stewarding service by ensuring the experienced volunteers whose skills we rely on have the opportunity to come back each year.
It also helps us more effectively raise funds for Oxfam's work, because every volunteer who returns for another summer helps to reduce our training and recruitment costs.
Why have we changed to a points-based system?
We're really excited to be offering you the chance to volunteer at day festivals as well as weekend festivals. Moving to a points-based system gives us the flexibility needed to value the time you give at these events too.
Why aren't the shop or campaigner roles offered in Priority?
Stewarding places are filled on a first-come-first-served basis, which is why it's really important to get in early to secure your place.
Unlike stewarding, all festival shop and campaign applications are considered, and the best candidates are offered a role at the festival. These selection processes means there is not the same pressure to grab a place early.
Will festivals from before 2024 still count towards priority under the new points system?
Yes, when calculating your points under the 'last 7 years' criteria, festivals from before 2025 will still count.
Weekend festivals from this period, including Glastonbury, Trailwalker, and festivals that you were signed up to when they were cancelled by COVID, will all accrue 3 points.
Each day of Lytham 2024 will accrue 1 point,